Critical P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® For 3rd-12th Grade Youth
At the birth of our nation 246 years ago. The Declaration of Independence rang the bell of freedom, with its reverberations heard around the world. What was that defining expression? Was it: “When in the course of human events?” Or perhaps: “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” While memorable and even essential to the Declaration’s assertion of God-given rights, these passages point to another which stood in sharp contrast to everything the world has ever known. It is: that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Historical evidence verifies that America is the first nation in history to be founded on Christianity, but not in the sense of being a theocracy. The United States of America, and its primary founding institutions, are based upon traditional American precepts and ideals.
Christian participation in civil government is an expression of God’s common grace—the favor shown to believers and unbelievers—where godly rulers can serve the people better than corrupt ones. Without true Christianity—repentance, personal faith, and commitment to truth—America’s failed adherence to traditional American values principles will increasingly accelerate down our obvious dangerously slippery slope.
By sight, America’s cultural landscape looks daunting.
- The cultural decline in the acceptance of traditional American values morality.
- The continued retreat from cultural engagement of the vast majority of churches.
- The growing threat to the sanctity of human life at all stages of development.
- The impact on freedom for rapidly expanding government control.
- The surveillance and censorship threat of powerful corporate entities.
- Sexual orientation and gender identity laws.
- The anti-God orientation and philosophy of modern science.
“Don’t ask God to move mountains if you refuse to pick up a shovel.”
~ A Highway Billboard
Research conducted by our Practical Strategies ltd® Leadership Team clearly demonstrates that a massive army of silent majority citizens, composed of multiple faiths and political beliefs, are ready and willing to join the fight to re-instill traditional American values principles in public school curriculum.
The Practical Strategies ltd® Team’s history (the organization that creates P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® programming) ensures you that good organizations don’t just happen. They take root in a body of shared beliefs. They grow strong from leadership with vision, initiative, and determination to reach great goals. And what has been accomplished speaks for itself … P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® patrons are increasing every day.
Practical Strategies ltd® leadership is committed to ensuring the deeply held traditional American principle of being well-informed and applying consistent wise thinking in an integral component of every P.O.W.E.R Curriculum® educational program. Our right “We hold these truths to be self-evident., that all men are created to be equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Americans, the citizen movement ensuring that parents have the legitimate voice and positive influence in what is, and is not, being taught to our children in pubic school curriculum is growing stronger and more secure today than it has been in more than 40 years! The dogged determination, consistent courage, and unbreakable spirit of the men and women who promote and facilitate P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® educational programming are a major reason for this positive turn around.
Please know this, and we hope you never forget it: As advocates of P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® educational programming, you are helping to keep freedom alive. You, and people like you, are the reason America is still the great hope of the world.
It’s the way you live your lives. The way you raise your families. The way you persevere in your work and sacrifice your time to promote and encourage others to implement and facilitate P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® programming for 3rd thru 12th grade youth in public and home school curriculum. You ARE serving a noble cause.
It’s you and people like you who have the bold, clear vision of enduring freedom, who take the initiative to fight for it and who maintain courage and determination, no matter what the odds, to see every fight to the victorious end.
Because of you, we have much to celebrate. More than that, we have vastly greater opportunities beyond the communities in which P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® programming is currently being taught. You, and people like you, are the voices upon which positive changes are re-instilling traditional American values principles in public school curriculum. PLEASE share the word about the obvious positive effects that are occurring in the youth enrolled in P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® programming.
Critical P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® educational programming for 3rd thru 12th Grade Youth are specifically designed to be easy to understand, easy to use, and easy to facilitate. All practical “hands-on” tools are based on traditional American values principles and fosters responsible citizenship among youth.

About Practical Strategies ltd®
Practical Strategies ltd® (PS ltd) provides candid, reliable, friendly services to all stakeholders at competitive prices while constantly focusing on objective and unbiased Superior Solutions, Superior Quality, and Constant Innovation in the fields of business development and educational programs development.
The PS ltd Leadership Team of Cindy and Russ Tippett has more than 60 years combined experience serving as and with senior administrators. PS ltd provides a wealth of proven business and educational programs development attitudes, knowledge, skills, and abilities that are shared with clients. We are committed to providing clients stable, predictable value.
Our friendly, candid, reliable experts are performance-driven and committed to uncompromising integrity as we pursue perfection with problem-solving insight in every service provided. We rigidly comply with strict performance standards and relentless attention to details. The simple truth is every PS ltd Expert is held accountable to each client and to each other. PS ltd does not make excuses.
About Our Founders
Russell K. Tippett and Cindy S. Tippett are independent certified coaches, teachers and speakers with the John Maxwell team. Cindy Tippett is an independent Les Brown Maximum Achievement Team trained public speaker and is being personally mentored by Les Brown.
Russ Tippett is an independent executive coach trained by world-class coach Christian Simpson.
Practical Strategies ltd® co-founders Russ Tippett & Cindy Tippett are international and domestically-respected educational program development experts.
Their formal education coupled with the combined 65-year career experiences in the field of education are shared in this work.

Russell K. Tippett
Russ retired from Hocking College, Nelsonville, OH, USA, after 35 years’ service.
Positions served: Senior Vice President; Vice President; Dean School of Natural
Resources; CEO & President of the National Ranger Training Institute at Hocking
College; Director, Department Public Safety; Teaching Faculty.
Leadership Recognition
• Co-Founder and Consultant, P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® Organization, New Lexington, Ohio.
• Sandal’s Resorts International, Royal Bahamian Resort, Nassau, Bahamas.
Lead Instructor Leadership Trainer for entire management staff.
• Ohio Governor’s Program Excellence 1989-1991 Biennium Competitor for National Ranger Training Institute at Hocking Technical College, Nelsonville, OH.
• Team Leader for earned World Certification for National Ranger Training Institute at Hocking Technical College, (pilot project for North America) with City and Guilds of London Institute, London, England. The National Ranger Training Institute served clients from 43 of the 50 United States plus 8 countries.
• International Who’s Who of Professionals Member, 1998 Edition, Vol. 2, No. 6, p. 8299. Gibralter Publishing, Inc.: Jacksonville, NC.

Cindy S. Tippett
Cindy retired from Hocking College, Nelsonville, OH, after 33 years’ service. Positions served: Presidential Chief of Staff; Vice President(s) Administrative Assistant, Foundation Director, College-wide Scheduler, Teaching Faculty, Department Secretary.
Leadership Recognition
• Co-Founder and Consultant, P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® Organization,
New Lexington, Ohio.
• President, Nelsonville Rotary International Club, Nelsonville, OH.
• Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International.
• Interim Director, International Field Studies, Inc. Forfar Field Station, Andros Island, Bahamas.
• Executive Assistant to the Executive Director & Accountant, International Field Studies, Inc., Columbus, OH.
• Executive Assistant to the President, Green Light Alliance, LLC, Columbus, OH.
• National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education, Director.
Ohio Association of Presidential Assistants in Community Colleges. Chair.
• Hocking College Foundation, Board of Directors.
• Hocking College Foundation. Executive Director.
• Strategic Horizon College Program, sponsored by the Consortium for Higher Education, University of Michigan. Hocking College was one of 13 nationwide colleges designated as a Strategic Horizon College. Design Team/HC Liaison.
• Sandal’s Resorts International, Royal Bahamian Resort, Nassau, Bahamas. Leadership
• Trainer & Program Coordinator for entire management staff.
• McClenaghan Center for Hospitality Training (International). Board of Directors.
• Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Women of Influence Lifetime Member (2017) for individuals who have exemplified leadership and achievement in their occupation, industry or profession.
READ ABOUT the potential for you to become formally affiliated with Practical Strategies ltd® as an independent Contractor earning money for yourself.
Possibly. Russ and Cindy are committed to focusing on our Practical Strategies ltd® mission and determining how best to accomplishing it. THAT is WHY we are very selective about whom we allow to become a member of our PS ltd Team.
We envision a team of seven legally contracted highly ethical sales and service practitioners promoting Practical Strategies ltd® copyrighted products worldwide.
Each Practical Strategies ltd® sales and service practitioner will earn their PS ltd-related income according to the effort with which each individual is willing to invest their time, attention and skill into selling PS ltd copyrighted products as an independent contractor.
The Practical Strategies ltd® Team is not expected to punch a time clock. Being a team of highly skilled professionals, each individual is trusted to do what needs to be done to the best of their ability in a superior quality manner and the work is trusted to be completed when it needs to be completed.
WHEN and WHERE does the Practical Strategies ltd® Team do their work?
The Practical Strategies ltd® Team is, and will always be, composed of highly effective, highly skilled, ethical caring professionals. Russ and Cindy place extremely high value on any PS ltd representative who projects a sustained Positive Mental Attitude and “Can Do” mindset.
OUR Practical Strategies ltd® VISION
“Ensure you get the right people on your team, doing the work they know best how to do, and get the wrong people off your team quickly but humanely.”
~ Russell K. and Cindy S. Tippett
The Christian Holy Bible makes reference to the number seven (7) 860 times.
Practical Strategies ltd® principals believe there is a strong message and strong medicine in the number seven. We seriously heed that intriguing number seven.
President and Chief Executive Officer Russell K. Tippett and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Cindy Baden Tippett envision our Practical Strategies ltd® Ohio headquarters location housing our company with not more than seven highly experienced, highly skilled, independent contractor practitioners routinely performing work required at their chosen regional work site in their specific area of expertise on an as-needed basis.
Practical Strategies ltd® is aligned with the 20-year research project and described in the book: Collins, J. and Hansen, M.T. (2011). Great By Choice, Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck – Why Some Thrive Despite Them All. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
(There is potential for each of these seven sales and service practitioners to secure their own team of not more than seven highly ethical practitioners, with salaries being arranged and paid by each employing practitioner.)
All Practical Strategies ltd® sales and service practitioners will be employed according to their individually agreed upon and signed legal contract.
One hundred years from now, Power of Curriculum educational programming created for the Academy for Leadership Abilities® Organization, by Practical Strategies, ltd®, will have helped ten million people understand how highly effective ethical caring leaders think and act.
~ Russell K. and Cindy S. Tippett
A personal look at Russell K. “Pap” Tippett & Cindy S. Tippett
Cindy and Russ have worked together for more than 40 years, beginning at Hocking College, Nelsonville, OH and continuing today in our home. Pap’s not brave enough to tell you Cindy’s age, but Pap will turn 80 years of age June 21, 2022. Cindy is 14 years younger than Pap.
We both are participants of failed marriages and have grown children: Cindy with two grown sons, and two grandsons; Russ with five grown children, four daughters and one son, four grandsons, three granddaughters, one great-granddaughter and two great-grandsons (Russ thinks?). Cindy and Pap cherish Pap’s little blonde girlfriend “Pax Three”, our four-and-a-half-year-old Golden Retriever. Plus, we have two ASSISTANT KIDS that we have inducted into our Tippett Clan: Honduras Native and Naturalized American Citizen Ramon Antunez, his wife Charity and daughter Reagan, and Seth Snyder and his wife, Jessica Lynn.
In combination, we have about 40 former students that we have collected over the years while working at the college, plus a few other strays. There are so many kids, grandkids and great-grandkids that Russ tattooed them in the ear so we can tell which ones belong to whom.
Cindy & Russ “Pap” married each other Nov 23, 2019. The wedding ceremony was at Burr Oak Lake State Park Lodge, about four miles from our home here on the Rim of the World, Morgan County, OH. The wedding ceremony was a family only affair. Family members attending numbered 53, 10 to 12 others were unable to attend for one reason or another.