Benefits for you and your children
The P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® Educational Programs produces the most complete Superior Quality Leadership Skills and
Personal Growth/Self-Learning Strategies educational programs available. These programs have been tried,
tested and proven to be easy to use and fun for youth, grades 3-12, ages 8-18 years.
Key principles such as ethical leadership, teamwork and personal growth are applied.
Participants enjoy the many benefits that come from learning how to think.
P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® produces individual educational programs that focus detailed attention on:
• Integrity/Ethics • Live Your Dreams • Positive Mental Attitude • Personal Core Values • Personal Strengths • Self-Discipline • Effective Daily Habits • Believe • Self-Respect • Strategic Thinking |
• Effective Decision Making |
Four components make these commonsense, self-learning programs complete,
ready-to-teach and immediately usable:
1. Inclusiveness – All participants are integrated in learning activities at the same time;
2. Close to home – No one is required to travel outside their home area;
3. Local Support – Parents and communities support this program;
4. Adaptability – Multiple facilitators and classroom teachers working in a variety of environments
validate P.O.W.E.R. Curriculum® Educational programs are easily adaptable to anyone in leadership or aspiring to be in leadership,
regardless of age (adolescent through mature adult) or attained academic level
(elementary school through post-graduate degrees).
“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them, and yet that is exactly what 99% of average people do.”– Albert Einstein
Our proposition
If you are:
• Serious about substantially improving your
children’s quality of life
• Open minded to new ideas
• Willing to allocate undisturbed time and energy
• Willing to learn and implement basic principles of
leadership skills and personal growth strategies
Then please accept our invitation to gain FREE access to the astonishingly effective Personal Core Values Considerations book. This will help you take your first step,the BIGGEST STEP, toward a fulfilling life for you and your children today.
The question that needs answering is whether you are willing to do anything about it, because we guarantee that if you take ANY ideas that we are sharing with you in the “Personal Core Values Considerations” book, your public and personal life will improve significantly.
In the FREE Personal Core Values Considerations book you are about to discover tried, tested and proven strategies for actually living your personally-defined FULFILLING life.